Well, I just wrote a lot and now it disappeared. So here goes again. I haven't gotten the link yet for my show I did yesterday. I had to email Jessie Dee Young, my editor of my book and last boyfriend of 6 years to try to get back on and do a little Blog.instead of heading for FB. Larry the host of his show "Legends and Stars" said he loved this Website of mine that Jessie created for me. I can't even turn on my TV set now easily without Jessie.. I have to have 3 remotes to do it, and just click everything and finally I can get Netflix or I can stick in a Blueray DVD to watch.
. I was sent a film called Doris with Sally Fields which was a light, sweet/sad ,comedy. I really couldn't remember how to do it. but then everything worked and I was able to watch the movie.Whew!
I don't know how to meet people, who does? I did meet Jessie on Line so .I'm on Match.com now and I had one date over at the Bistro Gardens where I met Dolly Parton in the Ladies Room. She was adorable.( I usually am on FB with this kind of patter) . I have been going to Dr. Pat Allen's workshop for relationships down near LAX.with my girlfriend Isabel Boniface. Dr.Pat Allen also has free ipods on itunes that you can listen to and I'm to Duty Date and this was my first Duty Date. You are just suppose to go out with guys who seek you out, 3 times. Giving men you might not choose for yourself but men that wink or like you. The rule for the woman is not to be the aggressor. and you are suppose to go out with 3 men just for practice and give someone u maybe wouldn't be attracted to yourself a chance. She says woman fall in love with men through their ears and Men fall in love with women through their eyes.And no sex until you've have those 3 dates and negotiated a relationship. It's hard to explain. If you are more interested. You can go google her (Dr. Pat Allen free ipods on itunes )and it will get you there to about 40 workshop/meetings and you can learn everything there actually.
The guy I met was nice and 80 years old and lives not too far away. But his wife had died only 2 months ago and I got a little freaked out
.This Blog isn't about Larry's show is it? I'm not enjoying this "Finding a new Love" I'd rather wait for Santa Claus but Dr Pat Allen wants you to go out everyday and flirt with every man you see and don't speak first no matter what. Go out with 3 different men and do not under any circumstances have intercourse until you negotiate the relationship. she says you must have Chemistry, Compatibility and something else i can't remember.
. I was sent a film called Doris with Sally Fields which was a light, sweet/sad ,comedy. I really couldn't remember how to do it. but then everything worked and I was able to watch the movie.Whew!
I don't know how to meet people, who does? I did meet Jessie on Line so .I'm on Match.com now and I had one date over at the Bistro Gardens where I met Dolly Parton in the Ladies Room. She was adorable.( I usually am on FB with this kind of patter) . I have been going to Dr. Pat Allen's workshop for relationships down near LAX.with my girlfriend Isabel Boniface. Dr.Pat Allen also has free ipods on itunes that you can listen to and I'm to Duty Date and this was my first Duty Date. You are just suppose to go out with guys who seek you out, 3 times. Giving men you might not choose for yourself but men that wink or like you. The rule for the woman is not to be the aggressor. and you are suppose to go out with 3 men just for practice and give someone u maybe wouldn't be attracted to yourself a chance. She says woman fall in love with men through their ears and Men fall in love with women through their eyes.And no sex until you've have those 3 dates and negotiated a relationship. It's hard to explain. If you are more interested. You can go google her (Dr. Pat Allen free ipods on itunes )and it will get you there to about 40 workshop/meetings and you can learn everything there actually.
The guy I met was nice and 80 years old and lives not too far away. But his wife had died only 2 months ago and I got a little freaked out
.This Blog isn't about Larry's show is it? I'm not enjoying this "Finding a new Love" I'd rather wait for Santa Claus but Dr Pat Allen wants you to go out everyday and flirt with every man you see and don't speak first no matter what. Go out with 3 different men and do not under any circumstances have intercourse until you negotiate the relationship. she says you must have Chemistry, Compatibility and something else i can't remember.